Site Announcement


夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 星期一至四上午八时至下午四时三十分,星期五上午八时至下午十二时

Why Pronouns Matter

At Hawkeye, we believe in fostering an inclusive environment that respects and values the diverse identities and experiences of all our students, faculty, and staff.

Recognizing and using the correct pronouns for each individual is an important step in this direction. Here's why:

  1. Affirms Identity: For many, pronouns are a fundamental expression of who they are. 通过使用正确的代词, we acknowledge and respect that individual's identity.

  2. 促进幸福和归属感: Constantly being misgendered can be a source of chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. 通过使用正确的代词, individuals feel that they are a valued part of the community, 减少孤独感和疏离感. This helps individuals feel safer and contributes to better mental well-being.

  3. Promotes Inclusivity: Being intentional with pronouns ensures that all members of our community, 包括那些跨性别者, non-binary, 性别不一致, 感到被重视和尊重.

  4. 教育社区: By emphasizing the importance of pronouns, we also provide an opportunity for learning and growth. This creates a space where everyone is encouraged to understand and respect the diverse identities present on our campus.

  5. Reduces Assumptions: Making assumptions about someone's gender based on their name or appearance can lead to mistakes and unintentional harm. Asking for and using correct pronouns reduces these potential missteps.

  6. Cultivates Respect: 就像我们会优先称呼别人的真名一样, using the right pronouns is a basic way of showing respect and dignity.

By integrating the practice of recognizing and using correct pronouns, 我们正在努力建立一个更具包容性的, respectful, and understanding campus culture at 靠谱买球app推荐. We encourage all members of our community to join us in this endeavor by sharing, asking, 尊重代词.


Using pronouns correctly is a matter of respecting and acknowledging individuals' identities. 这对促进包容性环境至关重要, 尤其是对变性人来说, non-binary, 以及性别不一致的个体. 下面是如何使用代词的指南:


She/Her/Hers: Used by some women and can refer to singular or plural entities. "She is my friend. That book is hers."

He/Him/His: Used by some men and can refer to singular or plural entities. "He is my brother. I borrowed his pen."

They/Them/Theirs: 常用作中性的单数或复数代词. “亚历克斯说他们会在下午3点左右过来. That's their notebook."


Subject: "She is my friend./“他们是我的朋友。."

Object: “我昨天给他打了电话./“我昨天打电话给他们了。."

Possessive Adjective: "Her pen is blue." / "Their pen is blue."

Possessive Pronoun: "That book is hers./“那本书是他们的。."

Asking for Pronouns:

When meeting someone for the first time and you're unsure of someone's pronouns or in contexts where it's relevant (like at inclusive events or groups), 问:“你用什么代词??或者“你希望别人怎么称呼你??"

Some individuals might use pronouns that are less common or that you might not have encountered before. 总是努力使用个人提供的代词和, 如果发音或用法不确定, it's respectful to ask.



Doing this can create an environment where others feel comfortable sharing their pronouns too.

Correcting Mistakes

If you use the wrong pronoun for someone, quickly apologize, correct yourself, and move on. “她——对不起,他们说过一会儿来的."

Avoid lengthy apologies. 如果你用错了别人的代词, 迅速道歉并继续使用正确的代词. Prolonged apologies can be more embarrassing or uncomfortable for the person you misgendered, and it might make the individual feel obligated to comfort you.


Don't assume someone's pronouns based on their appearance, name, or any other characteristic. 最好是询问或等待他们分享.

If you don’t know someone’s pronouns, try defaulting to they/them/theirs.


In group situations, it can be helpful to do a round of introductions where everyone shares their name and pronouns.

如果你是一名教育工作者或主持会议, set the tone by introducing yourself with your pronouns and inviting others to do the same.


In situations where you don't know someone's pronouns or when referring to a general audience, 使用中性词汇. Examples: "Everyone should bring their notebook" instead of "Everyone should bring his or her notebook."


If someone shares their pronouns with you in a private context, 未经允许,不要与他人分享. Their disclosure to you doesn't necessarily mean they are out to everyone.

Educate Yourself

参与在线资源,如 Gender Pronoun Blog,并提供了正确使用的指导.

When able, attend workshops or seminars that provide knowledge on gender identities and the importance of pronouns. The more you know, the more confidently and respectfully you can navigate conversations.


Myth: Pronoun usage is only for transgender 性别不一致 students.
Fact: We all have and use pronouns in our everyday lives, regardless of gender identity.

Myth: They/Them代词没有意义! They are only used to refer to multiple people, not a single person!”
Fact: Not only is They/Them a singular pronoun, it is also grammatically correct! 请参阅来自Perdue Owl的资源.

Myth: Pronoun usage promotes ideas, theories, or politics I don’t believe in.
Fact: Pronouns are an everyday part of our lives and are not restricted to a certain demographic or political party. 代词是语言、言语和语法的一部分.

Myth: I won’t use preferred pronouns because “I disagree” with them.
Fact: 你不能简单地“不同意”代词. Refusing to use someone’s preferred pronouns is hurtful, offensive, and rude. It may even make them feel unsafe, disrespected, invalidated, dismissed, and/or alienated. 不管个人对首选代词的看法如何, it is important to refer to people by what they identify as to remain respectful.

Myth: “I won’t need to use pronouns or ask for them, I can just tell!”
Fact: It’s not wise to assume what pronouns someone may use based on what they look like. 性别表达(我们表现自己的方式, dress, and style our hair) is not an indicator of what gender someone is or what pronouns we use. 最好是尊重地问! This is a kind gesture that will ensure you both have a great interaction!


Jane Johnson, MA(她,她,她的)
319-296-2320 ext.5555


Additional Resources

The following are additional resources to help you understand the importance of using correct pronouns.



Rhonda McRina
Hawkeye Center 232
Email Rhonda McRina

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